The forest is a recommended resting place, specifically for people with and at risk of disabilities
– do not underestimate it
Learn about special methods in rehabilitation:
Mirror Therapy is one of the neurorehabilitation techniques used in the treatment of phantom pain, in which the correct cortical image of the limb can be reconstructed and the phantom sensation reduced by inducing the illusion of existence for the amputated limb, all using a mirror.
– its progress can be delayed for a long time
Resting tremor, muscle tension, slowed movements, and finally: problems with maintaining balance – Parkinson’s disease can manifest by all of these. The disease mostly strikes between the ages of 50 and 60, but one can develop it before the age of 40 or even in childhood,” says Dr. Magdalena Wójcik-Pędziwiatr from the Department of Neurology at John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Kraków, in an interview with RMF FM.
– Runner’s Knee
Each exercise should be repeated several times, at a pace and range that the Patient can perform without overcoming maximum effort. You should choose the exercises that are most beneficial to you, and when in doubt: consult a physical therapist.
What conditions belong to neuromuscular diseases and what symptoms do they produce? When do you need to see a doctor? How can patients with the most serious of these diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, be helped? Your questions were answered by Dr. Elżbieta Mirek from the Department of Neurology at the John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Kraków.